A Cure for Discouragement: A Retreat Guide for Easter

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The appearances of Jesus after his Resurrection, as recorded in the New Testament, are, to be honest, kind of confusing.  The people he appears to don’t recognize him right away, even though they knew him before.

Critics of Christianity attribute these appearances to the imagination of Christ’s followers.  They say that the first Christians simply invented the Resurrection, and that’s why the Gospel accounts are so confusing.

Pope Benedict XVI attributes the unique character of these Gospel pages to one simple cause: Christ’s Resurrection itself was something entirely, radically new. He writes:  “It was an utterly unique experience, which burst open the normal boundaries of experience and yet for the disciples was quite beyond doubt.  This explains the unique character of the Resurrection accounts…”

In this Easter Retreat Guide, A Cure for Discouragement, we will dive into one of these accounts, our Lord’s appearance to the disciples on the road to Emmaus.

  • The first meditation will look at the cause of their discouragement.
  • The second meditation will contemplate our Lord’s cure for it.
  • And the conference will offer practical tips to help us do for others what Jesus did for them.


Meditation 1

Meditation 2


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  1. Mary, You can download the PDF for the full transcript of the audio. Look for the PDF tab above the Introduction Video. I hope that helps. God bless

  2. Thank you for making these profound meditations available. You have helped rekindle my faith, which was close to burning out. Thank you so much!

  3. I have been in “retret time” all lent and really I feel I have grow in faith – although I am not an English speaking person (spanish) I had follow all the resources you give. I wish I could help you with a donation but right now I can not. But you can count with my prayers. May God and Mary bless you abundantly.

  4. Thank you, thank you for sharing all this fruitful meditations! And glory and praise to God, from Whom all good things come.
    It wasn’t accidental, but Providential that I went to the computer today… and came across your site…God knew how much I needed this. In spite of lack of time I went through it, I couldn’t stop, He is the Living Water, the Only One capable of quenching our thirst.
    Is there a way to get printed copies to pass to Cristian Friends?
    God’s blessings.

    1. Dear Carmen, Thank you for your kind words. It is a blessing to see the Holy Spirit at work through the resources we produce. You can get a printed copy of the entire Retreat Guide (actually any of them) in two ways. First, you can download a pdf from the Retreat Guide webpage. Look for the bar above the first video. You will see Video, Audio and pdf. Select pdf and you can download and print off the full version of the Retreat Guide. We also provide a Retreat Guide Booklet which is linked in our Retreat Guide description or you can find it on our Books section of the website. We are glad that you want to use our materials to reach out and evangelize. God bless.

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