Trouble with Trust: A Retreat Guide for Lent

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St. Paul tells us that because of Christ’s Passion — his suffering, death, and resurrection — God proves that he is completely trustworthy:

… If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son but handed him over for us all, how will he not also give us everything else along with him? –Romans 8:31-32

All of us would like to believe this as deeply as St. Paul did, to trust God more firmly in the midst of life’s trials. Lent is a season to strengthen our trust, precisely by turning our attention to Christ’s Passion, and this Lenten Retreat Guide, Trouble with Trust, is designed to help.

  • In the first meditation, we will discover why it is so hard for us to trust God, by going back to the Garden of Eden.
  • In the second meditation, we will watch Jesus rebuild the bridge of trust between humanity and God, in the Garden of Gethsemane.
  • And in the conference, we will go over some ways to exercise our own trust in God, and make it grow.



Meditation 1


Meditation 2




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  1. Thank you Father John for this retreat. It was beautiful! I would like to help in your ministry but I’m financially not able to do it. I’m a single mother of 5 and I only have a part time job. But if there is another way that I can help I would love to do it. Thank you and God bless you and your ministry.
    Silvia Soria

    1. Dear Silvia, Thank you so much. We are so grateful to hear your feedback on this retreat and also your desire to help support RCSpirituality. Please keep our mission in your prayers that we are always docile to the Holy Spirit and continue offering content and resources that help people grow in their spiritual life. In Christ, Jen

    1. Glad you are enjoying our Retreat Guides! If you need a little more time with the questions, you can either pause the video, or print them out by selecting “print” in the box above the first video. God bless.

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