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Through meditations, a conference, and reflection questions, this DVD and booklet, Retreat Guide Pack Vol 1: Unleashing the Power of Pentecost and The One Thing Needed: DVD and Retreat Guide Books: Written by Fr. John Bartunek, LC, set will  help refocus your soul while exploring the many facets of our faith. Designed to help you open your heart to Christ, these Retreat Guides will provide the right amount of insight and depth to recenter and recharge your life.

The Power of Pentecost – Every new liturgical season is a spiritual fresh start, a spiritual clean slate. Are you getting ready? This Retreat Guide will help prepare you. The First Meditation tours the gifts of the Holy Spirit that renew our mind in Christ. The Second Meditation plugs you into the gifts of the Holy Spirit that strengthen and purify our interior freedom. The Conference gets practical, explaining four ways that each one of us can actively cooperate with the Holy Spirit on a day-to-day basis.

The One Thing Needed – Today’s world offers us so much! Wherever we go, products and possibilities battle raucously for our attention and our commitment. Amidst all the noise, how can we focus on what really matters? In this Retreat Guide, we will set our sights on the most important aspect of life. In the First Meditation, we will find that Jesus calls this the “one thing needed.” The Second Meditation looks at the relationship between the one thing needed and all the other things that make up our daily life. And the Conference reviews God’s own not-so-secret formula for helping us keep our priorities straight: the Third Commandment.

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