Monday in Holy Week

Throughout Jesus’ ministry, he repeatedly warned against “hardness of heart.” What is this hardness? It is something more than simple callousness. It is the steadfast refusal to recognize or accept the works of God when we witness them. It is a refusal to let God’s grace touch us.

Mary, Martha, and Lazarus knew how to accept Christ on his own terms. As such, they were perfectly comfortable showing him acts of love that they knew he would understand, even if nobody else did. Judas and the Pharisees, on the other hand, even witnessing his miracles of love couldn’t bring themselves to accept them, and so decided to condemn him.

Are there areas of my life where I don’t let God’s grace penetrate? Are there things he is asking me that I simply cannot accept?

During this time when so many cannot attend Holy Mass in person, we invite you to join us as LEgionaries of Christ offer Daily Mass live-streamed on the LEGIONARIES OF CHRIST FACEBOOK PAGEMasses are live-streamed Monday WEDNESDAY of HOLY WEEK at 7:30 am Eastern Time.

Colors of the Cross by Fr John Bartunek, LC:

Morning Reflection by Lauren Hawesworth, CRC:

Afternoon Reflection by Fr. Nathaniel Haslam, LC:

The Plot to Kill Jesus: John 11: 45-57 How are we called to confront evil?

Fr. Mark Haydu, LC, and Fr. Jason Smith, LC, also invite you to pray the Rosary with them live on weekdays at 6:00 pm Eastern Time on the LEGIONARIES OF CHRIST FACEBOOK PAGE.

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