Living in the Spirit: Day 6

Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. Send forth your Spirit and they shall be created. And You shall renew the face of the earth. O, God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit, did instruct the hearts of the faithful, grant that by the same Holy Spirit we may be truly wise and ever enjoy His consolations, through Christ Our Lord, Amen.

“Experiencing the Living God” by Cindi Carter:

Cindi Carter is a cradle Catholic who has lived in Michigan her entire life. She currently is the Business Administrator at Everest.  She has been married to Jim for 25 years and they have one daughter, Serena, who is currently a student at the University of Michigan. Cindi’s retreat The Best News Ever! Experiencing the Living God in the Kerygma is available live or via Zoom.  Contact her at if you are interested in the retreat for your small or large group. 

Take some time to ponder the mystery of God’s action through his Spirit in the events of your own life and ask for the light, strength, and love so sorely need in witnessing as a Christian in today’s world.

  • Who is the Holy Spirit for me?
  • How do I relate and experience his presence?
  • How has the Holy Spirit impacted my life?
  • What advice would I share to help someone grow in a relationship with the Holy Spirit after listening to this personal testimony? 

Novena Prayer (Gentleness) 

O Holy Spirit, help me to learn from Christ, who is gentle and humble of heart (Mt. 11:29). Grant me self-dominion and control, so as never to be carried away by feelings of pride or the desire for attention, but always to reflect your kindness and love to all. Help me to know myself and accept myself as I am – a beloved child of God in whose image I am made – and to see others in the same light. Living in this light, make me peaceable, meek, and gentle with all those with whom I come in contact.


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One Comment
  1. Thank you, Cindi. Day 6 your message is beautiful and a wonderful way to share with especially our newly confirmed Catholics. Your way of presenting is much needed and refreshing.
    God certainly blesses you, It is clearly evident in your presentations. Come to me Holy Spirit I need freshness.

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