Our Website – Did You Know?
Answers to frequently asked questions
If you’ve ever wondered if there’s an easier way or features
you didn’t know about on our RCSpirituality website, read on!
(This new page will add answers, tips, and tricks weekly.)
- See screen text more easily
- Bulk Discounts
- Search Options
- Novenas – Your Way
- Retreat Guides – FREE to Read, Listen, or Watch
- Missing Fields or Images?
- Online Classes – Available for Life!
- Pray, Learn, Grow, & Go
- Using Our Resources in Your Presentations
- Regnum Christi and RCSpirituality
- Donation Details – Our Viewing is Restricted
- Free vs.Purchasable Resources
- Our New Logo
- Options for BUSY people Seeking
1. See screen text more easily
On the RCSpirituality Website
- Find the Accessibility Tools icon in the upper right area of your screen and click it to display the menu displayed at right.
- The options enable you to change the text size and font and the foreground and background colors.
- Settings return to default when you exit and re-enter the website.
In RCSpirituality Emails
- In some browsers, you can change the font size in Windows applications.
- To increase the text size, hold the Ctrl key down and press the PLUS ( + ) sign (on many keyboards, hold down the Shift-key and press the key to the left of the backspace).
- To decrease the text size, hold the Ctrl key down and press the MINUS ( – ) sign (on many keyboards, this is placed to the right of the zero).
2. Bulk Discounts
We want to help you access resources to grow in faith; therefore, among the relatively few offerings for which RCSpirituality charges, some are available at a bulk discount. Whether you belong to a prayer group who grow together or you know a number of like-minded individuals seeking another way to grow spiritually, here’s how you can benefit from a group purchase.
Books and RC Essay Bulk Discounts
Receive a discount when ordering 20 or more books or essays. On the web page where your chosen book is described, scroll down the page until you see directions for placing bulk orders. Click the link to order through the Bulk Order Form. The discount varies by book.
RC Essays: MIX and MATCH option! When ordering RC Essays in bulk, you can mix and match RC Essays to meet the 20 quantity minimum. The RC Essays Bulk Order Form is found here: https://rcspirituality.org/bulk-order-form-multiple-rc-essays/
How others benefitted from bulk discounts: * Prayer and study groups save by purchasing their next two or three studies’ resources at one time * Retreat leaders providing resource for attendees * Individuals gifting a faith-enhancer (e.g., at Christmas) to multiple family and friends * Individuals and groups building their home and parish libraries *
Online Classroom Bulk Discounts
Whether you wish to complete a study on your own or at the same time with a group, you can benefit from a discount by ordering the class with others.
- One person orders and pays for the course using the group option.
- RCSpirituality sends a coupon code for the books purchased to the person who ordered.
- If not already enrolled, those wishing to take a course enroll – for free – in our Online Classroom.
- Anyone enrolled can register for the course using the coupon code.
3. Search Options
You can perform a Keyword Search throughout the entire RCSpirituality Website or within one Resource Type. Some pages on our website offer only the Entire Website Search and others offer only the Search Within One Resource Type. As of this blurb’s posting, each type of search can be found on the pages as listed below.
- Within one Resource Type
Find the Keyword Search box at the bottom of selected screens. Enter the words to search for and press the Search button. The list returns matches only from within the current Resource type. Web pages offering this restricted search include:Online Classroom
RC Essays
Retreat Guide
Spiritual Smoothies
Study Circle Guides
Videos - Entire Website Search
To search our entire active site, press the Search option in the bottom colored box block on almost every screen or use the Keyword Search option that appears on the right side of the page under the sidebar text and and images. Enter keywords then press the Search button to display a list of pages containing the keywords. The list displays the page title and includes the link to jump to that page. Web pages offering the “Entire Website” search under the sidebars include:All About menu options
Ask A Priest
Gospel Reflections
Retreat Guide Booklets
RCSC Published Books
Uncle Eddy
Weekly NewsletterCaveat: Common phrases return a multitude of entries, particularly from the Gospel Reflections and Ask A Priest resources.
4. Novenas – Your Way
Novenas can be prayed at the time best for you… at any time of the year and at your pace, or emailed to you on a schedule and connected to a feast day. Read how below.
Any Time at Your Pace
Scroll down on each Novena’s page, below the description, to find every reflection for the novena. You can pray through these reflections at your pace at any time of the year – whenever God calls you to begin one.
While daily novenas are most common, reading one reflection a day for nine days, you can complete these in nine hours, nine weeks, or whatever timing works for you. Focusing on what God’s movements in your heart are the most important part of your prayer as you build your relationship with Him by committing to a regular meeting with Him.
Any Time Daily
You can also sign up to receive the novena’s daily email reflections, beginning at any time in the year. The daily reminder is the most common use of our novenas, helping us regularly shift our day’s focus to God. You can sign up at any time in the year to begin the following novenas the day after you sign up:
- Journey with a Father’s Heart
- The Way of the Cross Through the Face of Jesus
- When God Seems Hidden
- Wisdom of Pope Benedict
Seasonal Daily Reminders
Some novenas are related to a Liturgical Feast Day. You can sign up before these begin to receive a daily emailed reflection for these novenas beginning 9-10 days before the feast day. These include:
- Living in the Spirit: A Pentecost Meditation Novena
- Behold this Heart
- Nine Days with Mary Magdalene
- Journey with a Father’s Heart
- Our Lady of Sorrows
5. Retreat Guides – FREE to Read, Listen, or Watch
We offer three FREE ways to have your own retreat! We are all unique and unrepeatable human beings – and we all pray, learn, and ponder differently.
- Most of our Retreat Guides offer THREE ways to pray with them: Read, Listen, or Watch.
- On each Retreat Guides’ home page, below the description, keep scrolling down to find the formats available.
- Download the PDF to always have available, or access our website to listen to or watch your selected retreat.
6. Missing Fields or Images?
Have you tried to register for a novena or purchase a book, only to find the text indicates you should enter information but you are unable to see fields or images that it seems should be there?
Whether on our website or another, some browsers don’t always display images or the fields where you enter information. They sometimes show them and other times do not. This is unfortunately out of our control; however, to see the fields and images:
- Use another browser (Chrome usually works well with our website)
- Exit the browser and re-enter, or restart your computer. If this doesn’t work, then a different browser needs to be used.
7. Online Classes – Available for Life!
While our online classes are one of the few resources for which there is a fee, RCSpirituality offsets the cost by offering the course for as long as we both shall live. There is no expiration date – so if you start and life gets busy – no worries! Your course will be waiting when God opens your time to complete it.
Finished the course? The course remains for you to return to – for reference, review, or to complete again!
8. Pray, Learn, Grow, & Go
We believe that God wants to touch and transform every corner of your soul, and we want to provide quality resources to help make that happen. That’s why we group our products into four key categories: Pray, Learn, Grow, and Go.
The Pray category reaches into your spiritual life and gives you tools to keep fresh your relationship with God.
The Learn category addresses your mind, trying to help you expand and deepen your knowledge of God’s plan for the world, the Church, and your own life.
The Grow category looks to move your willpower, inspiring you not only to pray and think about living life to the full, but to work hard on actually growing in wisdom and virtue.
Finally, the Go section points to creative ideas, models, and opportunities for obeying Christ’s command to “go and make disciples of all nations” — a mission that every one of us is called to join as the very best way to love our neighbors as ourselves.
These four sectors embody what we in Regnum Christi call “integral formation.” Learn more at: https://rcspirituality.org/get-started/
9. Using Our Resources in Your Presentations
Since we are here to evangelize, our materials are offered for your use and beyond. When you find a resource you wish to present to a group, we ask that you encourage your attendees to download our resources for themselves from our website to help them become familiar with our website and help us know which resources are more frequently used.
Free resources can be shared in any setting, simply acknowledging RCSpirituality as the source.
Purchased resources can be used according to the normal copyright laws. For these purchased items, please reach out to us at contact@rcspirituality.org to ensure we clear the legalities for you.
10. Regnum Christi and RCSpirituality
Regnum Christi is “a spiritual family and an apostolic body in the Catholic Church, with the mission of making the Kingdom of Christ present today, in our hearts, in the hearts of all people, and in the world around us. Its members include the Legionaries of Christ, the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi, the Lay Consecrated Men of Regnum Christi, and lay members from all walks of life.
To find in-person groups (such as Encounter) and resources in your geographical area, or to learn more about or become involved with the apostolate, follow this link: https://www.regnumchristi.com.
RCSpirituality is one service of Regnum Christi that “creates life-changing Catholic formation materials in many media formats.” The philosophy behind our work here at the RCSpirituality Center is simple: We believe that God wants to touch and transform every corner of your soul, and we want to provide quality resources to help make that happen.
Learn more about RCSpirituality and its resources at: https://www.rcspirituality.org.
11. Donation Details – Our Viewing is Restricted!
We are so grateful for the many supporters who keep alive this ministry’s mission to evangelize through your prayer and donations. Because we value your privacy and security, your online donation details are received and stored by Network for Good so that access to your financial information is limited and secure.
When you first donate, you’re asked to create a login. Should you need to change or cancel scheduled donations, you do so through this login, but don’t worry – if you forget the login or password, their system will help you recover it! We at RCSpirituality.org cannot view or edit that information to change your donations.
12. Free vs. Purchasable Resources…
While the vast majority of our quality Catholic resources on the website are available free, there are a few that require a fee to access.
Those resources that required extended effort by multiple people over longer timeframes, such as our Online Classes and Books, are provided through purchase to help offset their creation and sustainment, and our ministry’s ongoing expenses. We believe these resources contain a greater depth to be pondered over a longer period that will help you Pray, Learn, Grow, and Go such that their added benefits make worthy the cost to you.
We would love to provide all resources for free, and seek to keep the costs offered minimal. (See the Did You Know on Bulk Discounts!) We hope you enjoy and find beneficial all of our resources, whether in print, audio, or video. Ask God to lead you to the resource right for you in this moment!
13. Our New Logo…
Because RCSpirituality is an apostolate of Regnum Christi (see #10 above), a new logo that better reflects this connection is appearing throughout our website, as of September 2024. Our website and product images will transition to this new logo over the next few months. Please be patient, though. The transition is a gradual process, so the old logo will still appear on some pages and, to most effectively use our resources, might remain in some products and videos. We look forward to the benefits of this collaboration. Please pray that all changes and actions successfully benefit you, our subscribers and visitors, in your faith journey.
14. Options for Busy People Seeking
You want to grow spiritually, but where to find the time?! RCSpirituality enables you to subscribe to a resource that pops into your Inbox and to just as easily unsubscribe if it isn’t working. No commitment necessary! Experiment with free resources, and some purchase-able, for bite size depth and long-term pondering until you find your schedule’s match.