Invisible Allies: A Retreat Guide on St. Michael and the Angels

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Angels are not human beings who have died, gone to heaven, and earned their wings. The classic Frank Capra film, It’s a Wonderful Life, got that part wrong. Angels are purely spiritual beings, which means they don’t have bodies; they are entirely immaterial. But it also means that their spiritual powers of intelligence and will are not limited by their dependence on the five senses, as human intelligence and will are. In the whole hierarchy of God’s creation, from atoms to rocks to plants to animals to human beings to angels, angels are the most superior creatures, the ones closest to God in their very nature.

But when God through the incarnation became man in Jesus Christ, the relationship between humans and angels changed. Angels still have the superior nature, but we have been given the grace of a more intimate friendship with God, a sharing in God’s divinity, through grace, that even the angels don’t enjoy.

In this Retreat Guide, Invisible Allies: A Retreat Guide on St. Michael and the Angels, we will explore, a little bit, how God wants the angels to be involved in our Christian journey, and what role they are called to play in the dramatic history of our salvation.

  • In the First and Second Meditations, we will reflect on the Church’s two liturgical celebrations dedicated to angels, and try to draw spiritual lessons for ourselves from those appearances.
  • And in the Conference, we will bring some clarity to the often ignored, exaggerated, or misunderstood reality of the fallen angels—the devil and his demons, and how they try to tangle up human affairs.

Let’s begin by quieting our souls and turning the attention of our hearts to God, who is eager to spend this time with us. Let’s ask him for all the graces we need, especially the grace of a deeper insight into God’s plan for our invisible allies, the angels.


First Meditation

Second Meditation


Invisible Allies: A Retreat Guide on St. Michael and the Angels

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  1. This is an eye opener to the reality that we have a guardian angel 24/7 in our lives. I didn’t even know about the 9 choirs of the angels until now, I knew before that there are Seraphims, Archangels and Cherubim, but didn’t know about the divisions of Dominions, Thrones, Powers, Virtues, Angels, and Principalities. I thank you Father for enlightening me, now I know your angel is reaching out to my angel. God bless you for all that you do!

  2. We used this for a group retreat on the Feast Day of Sts Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. Thumbs up all around – everyone learned so much and the content was, as usual, fantastic. Everyone left with a greater sense of awareness of their own angels and an illuminated understanding of their nature and role in salvation history. Thank you Fr. Bartunek and RC Spirituality for your quality content and all you do to build up Christ’s Kingdom here on earth.

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