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St Peter Julian Eymard
(entered heaven on August 1, 1868)
Dear Pete,
So how’s your summer been going? Let me guess: you have a great tan, are in good physical shape, are regularly flirting with three or four very pretty girls, and have gotten to know certain houses by the beach extremely well… Don’t be shocked. I know you, and I know that when you go for two months without writing to your good old Uncle, it’s because the sweet seductions of the world have made you forget about the struggle of the spirit. Don’t worry, I have been praying for you and doing some penance for you as well. I just hope you haven’t forsaken weekly Mass along with daily prayer. Your tan will fade, flirtations fizzle out, beaches get boring, but your friendship with Christ will keep your life fulfilling and exciting day after day, year after year, and into eternity. Get back in synch with the Eucharist, Pete, and the rest will fall into place.
That was today’s saint’s secret – his love for the Eucharist. One day when he was only five years old his sister found him in church, perched on a stepladder behind the main altar, with his ear pressed up against the Tabernacle. She asked him what he was doing and he simply said that he wanted to get closer to the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist so he could hear “Him” better. Through the coming years St Peter would struggle mightily to make it through seminary, join one religious order, then start his own, and go against all odds to make it grow and take root in the Church, a religious order of priests dedicated to the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Troubles and opposition didn’t faze him, though sickness and poverty plagued him, and he also founded a parallel order of nuns, an association of lay people, and another association of diocesan clergy, all dedicated to adoring our Lord in the Eucharist. He wore himself out and died at the age of 57.
St Peter Eymard was amazed at the nonchalance of Catholics in regard to the Blessed Sacrament. Do two friends pass each other on the street and say nothing? Then why do Christ’s faithful pass him by so many times and not stop in to say hello? Maybe you’re not called to leave the world completely behind (though maybe you are), but our Lord would still like to let you taste the supernatural sweetness of his wisdom and love as you travel the paths of life. Won’t you let him? Won’t you drop by the chapel and ask for his advice? I hope and pray that you do.
Your devoted Uncle,
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