Andrew’s Outreach: Weekly Message for 11-30-2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

The Gospel according to John records Andrew, whose feast day the Church celebrates today, as one of the first disciples to follow Jesus.

That encounter with Our Lord made a deep impact on Andrew, for he immediately sought out his brother Simon Peter and told him, “We have found the Messiah” (John 1:41).

That biblical scene shows what it means to be a missionary: to recognize Jesus as Messiah and to bring other souls closer to Our Lord.

Strikingly, Andrew’s first outreach brings in someone who will be destined for historic things; for Peter will go on to be chosen as the rock on which Christ builds his Church — the first Pope, in other words.

That is a reminder of how much the Holy Spirit can do with the little efforts we make when we share something of Christ with others.

A kind word, an unexpected act of charity, a comment about a truth of the faith – all these can be occasions to sow a seed in the hearts of others and nudge them forward in their journey to do something great for Christ.

But our reaching out depends on our first having a deep encounter with Christ. This can be a guiding principle for us as we enter more profoundly into the Advent season and prepare our hearts for Christmas.

An assist with that preparation could be found in, You Matter: A Retreat Guide for Advent.

It’s worth recalling that the gift of himself that Jesus gives us at Christmas is a gift that he wants us to share with others.

So, if we want to prepare a fitting gift for Our Lord on his day of birth, let us resolve to say yes to his desire that we share our experience of him with the world.

May your Advent be fruitful.

In Christ,

Father Edward McIlmail, LC
Ask a Priest contributor

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