Helping Our Digital Pilgrim: An Invitation – Weekly Message for August 18, 2015

Dear Fellow Missionaries,

This summer has been such a blessed season for me. I have had the good fortune of spending much of my time meeting with some of the pilgrims and missionaries who use and value and/or support our mission.

My travels have taken me from coast to coast and back again, and while the scenery may have changed from day to day or week to week, the feedback I received from everyone I visited was very consistent. It’s clear; you value the tools and resources we make available everyday at

I want to thank you for so generously supporting our ministry!

I would also like to share with you a note from one of your fellow benefactors, explaining why she continues to give to I’m sure her sentiments will resonate with you!

“I support with a financial gift for a variety of reasons. I believe strongly that a lot of the problems we face today as a society are due to poor spiritual formation to guide us as a moral society. I believe the Truth is attractive and desired by most Christians and non-Christians. I believe as a baptized Catholic I have a responsibility to not only seek formation for myself so I can be a living witness to others of Christ’s love but also to bring others to the well of formation so they too can feel God’s loving presence in their lives. I also know the internet is a powerful tool that can be accessed anytime and any place making it an ideal evangelizing and teaching medium able to spread the Kingdom of Christ. 

There are so many good places I can choose to support financially but in choosing I am confident the contribution is creating truth-filled formation material that is available anytime, any place across the globe. Like St Therese of Lisieux, in my little way, from my home in a remote location, I can be a missionary of the world. I also use the material for my own formation and share the retreat guides and study circle booklets in Bible study groups at my church. The variety of topics and subjects that are answered with love and truth by Ask a Priest provide wonderful guidance on not only the church teaching and doctrine but like Pope Francis is teaching us, how to meet others where they are and share first the love of God then His Word.

I want to see this site continue in its mission for my own use and as a means to bring Christ to the world and the world to Christ.”

We are reaching thousands of people each month. To keep our resources available, I do have one other favor to ask of you: please prayerfully consider increasing your recurring/or annual donation (if at all possible). Please also encourage others you know who visit and use our resources as to become digital missionaries by donating. It will be important for us, in looking at the year ahead, to know we can count on your help to increase both the amount of donations we receive and the number of missionaries actively donating to our ministry.

I thank you sincerely for your ongoing support and for being part of our mission to evangelize our growing digital culture!

With my continued prayers for you and your families.
God bless,

Lucy Honner

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