Journey with a Father’s Heart: Weekly Message for 03-09-2021

Dear Friends in Christ,

On December 8th of last year, our Holy Father Pope Francis proclaimed the beginning of a year in honor of Saint Joseph.  The reason, as announced in the document published by the Apostolic Penitentiary for this occasion, was that all the faithful might “daily reinforce their own life of faith in complete fulfillment of God’s will.”

Saint Joseph is a teacher and guide for any who wish to be schooled in the art of silent faith and the gift of self to God and others.  His fatherly heart, the theme of the Holy Father’s apostolic letter for this year of Saint Joseph, was a heart dedicated wholly to the faithful service of God and tender love for Mary and Jesus.  He was a witness to events unequaled in their magnificence, yet his faith was tried to its outer limits as God called him to remain faithful and trusting amid circumstances that outwardly carried very little hint of the godly. He was called to walk an unparalleled journey of faith through the lights and shadows of the most marvelous of God’s designs clothed in the most ordinary of appearance.

In the context of the Year of Saint Joseph, we invite you to undertake this journey as apprentices of this humble yet great saint.

Sign up now for our meditation novena, Journey With a Father’s Heart.

The Novena will start with excerpts from the Holy Father’s document on Saint Joseph, published specifically for this occasion: “Patris Corde,” or “With a Father’s Heart.”  During the nine days leading up to Saint Joseph’s feast day on March 19th, we invite you to undertake a prayerful reading of the Holy Father’s text, aided by a short daily meditation and questions for further reflection.

As you undertake this journey, invite Saint Joseph to walk it with you, and ask him to school you in the art of his simple faith and trust in God and his heartfelt gift of self.  Invite him to guide you on a journey to discover God’s extraordinary presence in the most ordinary circumstances of your life and to become a transparent reflection of the Father’s heart for others.

Yours in Christ,

Teresa Williams, CRC

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