Living Advent More Deeply – Weekly Message for 12-08-15

Dear Fellow Digital Pilgrim, pax Christi:

Most likely, your Advent is moving by too quickly. It’s understandable. It’s such a busy time of year, in so many ways. And maybe you feel that you haven’t lived this Advent as deeply as you wanted to – spiritually speaking. That’s okay. God understands. But there is still some time left before Christmas arrives. You still have time to sneak away from the hustle and bustle and curl up in a corner with the Lord, gazing at the light of his face by meditating on the message of Advent and Christmas. That’s why we created our Retreat Guides – for busy people like you who want to go deeper in their spiritual life. Use them!!!

We have four now, all of them still available for free: You Matter, Starlight, The Art of Waiting, and The Hidden Treasures of Christmas. That’s 12 short videos – if you just watch one per day between now and Christmas, you will get through almost all of them. I guarantee that if you make that gesture of generosity to the Lord, he will honor it and give you graces and blessings in return. And I am not just making that up – he himself promises it in the Bible: “Come close to God, and He will come close to you” (James 4:8).

You owe it to yourself to spend some time in prayer and meditation this Advent. And you owe it to your loved ones – the more your heart is filled with the knowledge and grace of God, which comes to us in such a special way in prayer, the more love, joy, patience, kindness, and wisdom you will have to share with those around you.

Please count on prayers from RC Spirituality as the great feast of Christmas draws near. We pray for our fellow digital pilgrims and missionaries every single day. Count on it.

May the Lord bless you and keep you, today and always!

Fr. John Bartunek, LC

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