Thank You – Really!: Weekly Message for 05/29/2018

Dear Fellow Digital Pilgrim, pax Christi:

Recently I traveled to Rome for my Order’s General Chapter.  While I was there, I spoke with many of my fellow Legionaries, and many members of our Movement, Regnum Christi, from around the world.  I was surprised and encouraged to discover just how many people from other countries and continents are enjoying and benefiting from what we offer here at RCSpirituality.  I guess I had in mind that only native-English speakers would be interested, but that’s not the case at all. Many folks around the world for whom English is a second language are watching our Retreat Guides, as individuals and in groups, reading Uncle Eddy, and dipping into our Ask-a-Priest service.

And for this I want to say, “Thank you!”  Over the past five years, we have tried to offer high quality materials that can help people continue to grow to the fullness of their Christian calling.  But throughout the journey, it has been your feedback and support – the people who are using the materials we produce – that has made the difference. It’s the interaction that we have with our users that enables us to make sure we are actually producing useful stuff.  And it’s your prayers and donations that keep us going, spiritually and materially, as we continue to try and evangelize the Digital Continent.

And isn’t that how the Church works in general?  We walk together, leaning on each other, making our way along this pilgrimage through a fallen world with our eyes “fixed on Jesus, the leader and perfecter of our faith” (Hebrews 12:2).  Each one of us is enriched by each other; no one has a monopoly on wisdom or holiness. Only together do we form the Mystical Body of Christ, and only together can we give lasting glory to God.

So, thank you.  Thank you for walking with us, sharing with us, and helping us respond continually to God’s call in our lives.  As one wise friend put it recently: Alone, we may go faster; but together, we will definitely go farther.

Yours sincerely in Christ,
Fr John Bartunek, LC

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  1. I’m Brazilian, RC lay member and currently colaborating. I can’t even remember how I first met RC Spirituality, but it was a “coincidence”, it took me some minutes to realize it was actually the same Regnum Christi.

    For now, I read each one of Ask a Priest that I receive, used some retreat guides and I show it to every friend that can read in english.

    Thanks a lot, God bless you!

  2. Hello, Father.
    I am Insuk Ahn, Rosa, a Regnum Christi member in Korea.
    I want to reaffirm They ARE useful.
    Your on-line spiritual center is a model for our own in Korea.
    You are doing just what I was dreaming about.
    You can count on it!
    I hope someday we will also have our own in Korean.

    P.S. I am a big fan of your meditation books. Your seasonal meditaion books are fantastic! I always apprecate the metaphor you are making, and thank you for letting you vulnerable by sharing your personal experiences.

  3. Thanks from your retreat guides and communications. Indeed, Catholics who have English as second language can practice and enhance it. God bless all your team.

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