We Become What We Love: Weekly Message for 09-18-2018

Dear Digital Pilgrims in Christ,

Now that summer is over, it can be all-to-easy to become swept up by our duties or obligations in the fall season: school, work, family, activities, sports, and the like. But as these schedules and tasks consume us, we don’t want to lose sight of our spiritual lives that are strengthened by times spent in prayer and intentional actions to grow in the love of God.

Indifference in faith does not have to be an intentional choice to neglect time for one’s spiritual growth. But with so many responsibilities, our faith can take the back-seat to things that seem more ‘immediate’ in the day-to-day. Our spiritual lives, however, if nourished and cared for, can extend out to and bless every area of our lives. Clare of Assisi, founder of a Franciscan religious order for women, reminds us that: “We become what we love and who we love shapes what we become.”

We are shaped by so much in life – those around us, the environments we find ourselves in, life circumstances – and much of what shapes us is good. Nonetheless, if we desire to be shaped by the greatest kind of love, then we must “fix our hearts and minds on Christ” each and every day. This can be difficult, but setting a rhythm for prayer each day can insure that we are always shaped by the true source of love, God (1 John 4:8).

The resources at RCSpirituality are meant to help you begin, deepen, and challenge your spiritual life. Our “Uncle Eddy” blog is a daily correspondence from a loving uncle offering encouragement for college students as they navigate new terrains and insights on how to live out the faith. If you are looking for shorter, 2-3 minute boosts of faith, then our “Spiritual Smoothies” videos can provide a quick insight to think about throughout the day. These videos are smaller excerpts from our many Retreat Guides that provide resources for meditation and encouragement for our spiritual lives based on scripture passages, and the lives of the saints. The Retreat Guides are available in video, audio or as a booklet. These are just a few of the resources available on our website.

Here at RCSpirituality, we strive to provide you with resources which can be the springboard to move indifference to intention.

With the assurance of my prayers,

Lucy Honner

Director, RCSpirituality


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