A Look Behind the Scenes – Weekly Message for October 6, 2015

Dear Friends in Christ,

Some of you have seen the advertisements for our special “behind the scenes” webinar, which takes place next Tuesday, Oct. 13 at 7 p.m. EST.

If you haven’t yet registered to participate in this event, I encourage you to do so! Here’s why:

  • It’s FREE!
  • It’s an exclusive opportunity to interact with key members on the RCSpirituality team, to learn what we do, and how we create the spiritual resources you have come to value and rely on.
  • Webinar participants will receive special discounts from Ministry23 on books written by Fr. John Bartunek, LC.
  • Fr. John will also now be available to participate in the webinar! If you’re a fan of our Retreat Guides, The Better Part book and app, you won’t want to miss hearing him speak during the webinar!

I could go on, offering additional reasons why this webinar is worth your time. But instead, I’ll simply say that we would love for you to join us, to learn more about how we are responding to evangelizing the “digital continent,” to learn why we value you and what keeps us taking steps forward, offering great spiritual content for Catholics the world over!

To RSVP for this webinar, click here.

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