Request Fr. John Bartunek as a Speaker Form

Request for Fr. John Bartunek to Speak at Event

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Please be specific about exact times from arrival to departure, including talk times, corresponding plans, event schedule times and start and stop times of presentation(s).
  • Please indicate if there are any other dynamics he would be required to participate in e.g. Q&A, panel discussion, workshops. Will Fr. Bartunek celebrate or concelebrate Mass and will he be the homilist? Is he expected to be available for confessions? If so, what time?
  • Can you give a brief explanation of the audience (e.g. men and women, age range, RC members etc.)
  • i.e. formation or training, fundraiser, youth talk, business talk, pro-life talk? Please provide as much detail as possible? What are the expected outcomes for this event?
  • Please include email and phone number.
  • Do you have a bookstore or person who can manage book sales or is this something you would like the author to take care of?
  • Please inform Lucy Honner or call (770) 500-7952 if you have any further questions.

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