Christmas Wishes: Weekly Message for 12-17-2019

Dear Digital Pilgrim in Christ, 

I absolutely love the sparkle and shimmer of Christmas lights.  Any given city, neighborhood, mall, or front yard decorated and lit up at this time of year is seen in an entirely different light – literally.

In Rome also, a towering Christmas tree adorns St. Peter’s Square alongside a life-size manger scene that without a doubt is one of the most popular traditions of Christmas charm.  This relatively new phenomenon began during the pontificate of St. John Paul II. Each year the lighting of the Christmas tree is accompanied by a prayer of hope and blessing for the Christian faithful. 

In turning on the light of the Christmas tree, we wish for the light of Christ to be in us. A Christmas without light is not Christmas. Let there be light in the soul, in the heart; let there be forgiveness to others; let there be no hostilities or darkness. Let there be the beautiful light of Jesus. This is my wish for all of you when you turn on the light of the Christmas tree. – Pope Francis, 2014

So, what are you wishing for this Christmas? 

When was the last time you considered deeply what Jesus wishes for?  He has one simple desire and hope each Christmas…to be with us. To be close to us.  To be part of our lives and be loved by us as an infant babe who comes into the world to save it and to offer us eternal life through friendship with him.  How much we need to deepen in this conviction of faith to turn to him in prayer knowing He never forgets us and only asks that we don’t forget him. 

With each Christmas light, candle, and flame we are reminded of how much we need a light to illumine the path of our lives and to give us hope. We look toward the baby Jesus whom we contemplate at Christmas, in a poor and humble manger, who draws near to each of us and asks that we receive Him anew. By receiving him we are strengthened to contribute something of that light to the spheres in which we live: our families, our jobs, our neighborhoods, towns, and cities. 

It is my sincere hope and prayer that some of the joy Jesus has given to my heart over the years through being part of the team at,  will also bubble up in your heart this Christmas. All of our services and products here at are meant to remind you of God’s real presence and interest in your life and to expand your experience of all that he wishes to give you.

From all of us at, know we will be remembering our digital pilgrims and missionaries in our prayers this Christmas in a special way. 

Wishing you a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!!

Yours sincerely in the baby Jesus,

Lucy Honner, CRC
Director, RCSpirituality Center

P.S. I also want to thank all of you who have been supporting us this year, and for the past few years, with your prayers and donations. We are more convinced than ever that evangelizing the Digital Continent is a worthy enterprise, but we couldn’t do anything at all without your support.

Please keep sending us your feedback, including thoughts and ideas about the kind of topics and resources you would like us to provide in the coming years. We want what we do here at to be a real help for your pursuit of holiness, happiness, and fruitfulness as builders of Christ’s Kingdom.

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