What are you looking for?: Weekly Message for 05-16-2023

Dear Friends,

Many people go through life not knowing what they are truly looking for. They drift from one career path to another, one social group to another, even testing different spiritualities trying to find the right fit. Some people know what they seek spiritually, but as Bishop Barron says, they lack the courage and attention to pursue their goal amid all life’s distractions and cultural opposition.

In my younger years I was seeking a deeper relationship with Christ and looking for a way to place my talents at the Church’s service in a way that challenged me but also respected my primary vocation as a wife and mother. I saw the different spiritual practices of the people around me. I tried this program of fasting, that bible study, acts of service here and acts of piety there. It felt a little like a flavor of the month club. What I lacked was direction.

I was searching but not walking in a decisive direction; rather, wandering in my quest for friendship with God. Maybe this sounds like you or someone you know.  God created each person with unique gifts and talents and equally unique are the ways he has called us into a relationship with him. I knew the who, I was seeking Christ. But the how of finding him was the challenge.

At Pentecost, the Holy Spirit pours forth tremendous charismatic gifts on the believers. They receive gifts of prophecy, speaking in tongues etc. This same Holy Spirit is active today. The Spirit pours out individual gifts, called charisms, and collective charisms (given to a group). Each is meant to be placed at the service of the Church to help build the Kingdom of God.

The Church, in her wisdom, also encourages her members to seek out the guidance of a spiritual director to help them discern the path to travel in our journey to heaven. It is through the collective charism of Regnum Christi and with the help of spiritual direction that I found my answer.

What was I looking for? I was looking for the Jesus who meets people where they are, reveals the tender love of his heart to them, forms them in his Gospel, accompanies them every hour of every day and sends them out as apostles in His Church. I found it in Regnum Christi and my life changed forever.

This week the Church celebrates the Ascension of Jesus into Heaven. Every synoptic Gospel ends the same way, the Apostles watch as Jesus is taken up into heaven, and immediately, they begin to preach the Gospel. They found what they were looking for. They encountered the living God. They personally experienced the love in Jesus’ heart, they were formed and accompanied by Jesus and they were commissioned to go and make disciples of all nations.

I pray you will encounter Jesus in a way that changes your life so profoundly that your only response is to proclaim the good news to everyone you meet.

Yours in the Heart of Jesus,


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