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Where Heroes are Forged: Weekly Message for 04-16-2024
Dear Friends,
The dictionary defines a hero as “a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for his brave deeds and noble qualities.” In literature, there are different types of heroes, but they are often depicted as legendary heroes who transcend ordinary men in skill, strength and courage. Classical heroes are characters who possesses a great talent or ability that separates them from the rest of their contemporaries. An epic hero (what mainstream would call a superhero) possess otherworldly qualities. Tragic heroes possess a fatal flaw that leads to their demise. For this reflection, I am going to focus on my personal favorite, the everyman hero.
In literature, the everyman hero is defined as an ordinary person without any apparent heroic qualities or characteristics. He is an underdog who finds himself in extraordinary circumstances that force him to act heroically. Unlike the tragic hero, the everyman character often has a strong moral compass and acts with extreme selflessness.
In the Catholic Church, ordinary people are given extraordinary gifts and talents at the moment they are Baptized. “Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission: ‘Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word‘” (CCC1213).
Through baptism, ordinary men and women are remade into extraordinary people! Some of you may be thinking, “Yeah right, heroes save the world. What on earth am I going to do to save the world?” The answer is far simpler than you would expect.
I have been reflecting on a short little book called The Religion of the Day by the University of Mary which outlined evangelization strategies for today. I have been contemplating what I can do to change things in our society. It is as true now as it has been throughout history, some people in our world will be asked to do big things. For most of us, the main battle is not out there, and we can become distracted by all the matters for which we have no personal responsibility. Our “battle is against the darkness in our own hearts and minds. God’s kingdom is established on earth mainly by personal conversion and holiness: the saints are the true movers and shakers of history.” Today, the world needs heroes who are forged on our knees. Saints are everyman heroes who, by their supernatural faith, transcend ordinary men.
Are you looking for a hero to pull our society back from the evil that seems to be closing in around it? That hero is you! Live your faith with conviction and joy, and we, like those saints who came before us, will help save the world from this present darkness.
Yours in the Heart of Jesus,
Donna Garrett
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