“Ask a Priest: Why Is It So Hard to Get a Priest to Bless a Residence?”

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Q: I can’t find a priest who will bless my residency or my pet. I have to wait for the pet blessing once year so that’s OK. Patience is a virtue, but I never dreamed they wouldn’t offer residency blessings. I’m from a small town, so maybe the clergy had time for stuff like that. I’m in Los Angeles close to a parish. Did the pandemic change things? I’ve e-mailed and called other priests in other parishes. No reply. The ones that did reply said they don’t do that anymore. In Michigan, or anywhere else I’ve been, the priest would find a few minutes out of his day to bless a house or apartment. I’ll pray for the clergy. What’s going on with the Church? This is somewhat disheartening. – F.M.

Answered by Fr. Edward McIlmail, LC

A: With the general shortage of priests — and the relatively big demand for priestly service in a place like Los Angeles — the clergy have to prioritize what they can reasonably accomplish.

Many priests, if not most, for instance, rely on Eucharistic ministers to take Communion to the homebound. So it’s understandable that these same priests won’t be able to dedicate time for home blessings.

If you at least have a priest for regular Masses and confession times, count yourself fortunate. Not all Catholics enjoy that benefit. In 2021 there were 3,377 parishes in the U.S. without a resident priest pastor.

It’s good that you are praying for the clergy. Pray for priestly vocations, too. And consider whether Our Lord might be calling you or a family member to the priesthood.


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  1. To FM;

    Father M is correct, the shortage of priestly vocations will be felt more and more… be kind to those in your parish. Perhaps, if you are a married husband and wife (male and female) with kids, why not invite the parish priest to some at home cooking… let the two of the parish come. (no strings attached, but HECK while they are there, they may offer a blessing to your new residence)

    Then also, all you need to do is sprinkle the BLESSED HOLY WATER around house. OR, put out a framed
    picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Sister Margaret Mary was told (via prayer) that putting the Sacred
    Heart picture in home WILL BLESS A HOME or Workplace. And… don’t forget our spiritual mother Mary,
    place her statue outside your home (reverently) and somewhere inside also . . .


    And KEEP GOING TO MASS, take that BLESSED BREAD and HIS PRESENCE is there to bless you.

    Yes, pray for VOCATIONS and ‘be kind to your priests, and ministers, and nuns, sisters and rabbis as well.
    be kind to ALL who live FOR GOD IN THEIR CHOICES.

  2. Yes, it’s a shame– not only about male vocations, but that the Church doesn’t allow a female diaconate (which to me, is scriptural). The present Church needs a lot of fall-housecleaning, with less fighting over trads vs. liberals. In my parish, a priest would be able to do this, but it is run by Mercedarian friars… try finding your nearest Religious community with priests (or even nuns, to bless)… ie., monks, friars, sisters, or nuns. They may be able to squeeze it in. If you end up with a sister, at least she is consecrated. From the little I know, the Franciscans and the Mercedarians are really into the blessing of animals; and the Mercedarians, of homes. I’ll pray you find someone to do this. They may want to get to know you first, though. Blessings.

  3. “L” has little knowledge of why TRADITION is important to FAITH… in God and the ETERNAL ‘unchanging’
    life. This is not the avenue to discuss this but “L” should discuss her human opinion with one of the
    Apostolic Authority of the ONE, HOLY, APOSTOLIC ‘BODY’ of Jesus Christ.

    Females were not chosen to be representative of the ‘authority of Christ.’ However, A FEMALE is
    very blessed amongst women… as she bore the Savior for the world, and all Baptized (of soul) to be part of the ONE BODY of Christ.

    The objective of the original questioner is to have her new residence blessed by Christ’s representative.
    Ie He who is with words of faith, acting IN PERSONA CHRISTI. Yes, such is nice… but as I wrote previously,
    I believe if one asked a priest for the water that was blessed (blessed when words of faith are spoken over the water) one could sprinkle the blessed water on the threshold of new home. (and say a prayer that the
    Holy Spirit protect the dwelling) And as stated a statue honoring our Spiritual Mother, in the garden of
    home and in the home will certainly keep the home blessed, along with a display of the Sacred Heart of Jesus photo. The subjective thought of females in the ministerial priesthood STRAYS from the objective idea of the question.

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