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Real Answers to Real Questions: Weekly Message for 07-14-2020
Dear Fellow Digital Pilgrim, Pax Christi:
Over the years, I have found that almost everyone has a question they would like to ask a priest. In airports and airplanes, in parking lots and grocery stores, countless times perfect strangers have seen my Roman collar and come up to me saying something like, “Hello Father, do you mind if I ask you a question?”
And this is the way it should be. Priests are called, formed, and sent by God to be Christ’s visible ambassadors in a special way. We should expect people to come to us with questions, and we should be ready with some answers that, even if they don’t resolve doubts completely, help communicate Christ’s own point of view on the many mysteries and conundrums that boggle our minds day by day.
Evangelizing the Digital Continent
Years ago, we tried to extend the possibility for this kind of dialogue to the Digital Continent by inaugurating our “Ask-a-Priest” service here at And it worked. This is one of our most popular services year after year. At this point, we have answered tens of thousands of questions – publishing a good number of them (two new ones each week). And yet, new questions keep coming.
Recognizing how helpful our live Retreat Guide events have been over the last couple of months, we have decided to take this Ask-a-Priest service to a new level and offer it as a live event as well. On July 29th, St. Martha’s Feast Day, Fr. Edward McIlmail and I will be fielding live questions from you and many other digital pilgrims just like you. We are already preparing for it, so I hope you are getting your questions ready!
Why Ask-a-Priest Is Also for You
Reading over our archive of Ask-a-Priest questions and answers, I am more convinced than ever that every one of our digital pilgrims and digital missionaries will benefit from this event and can benefit significantly from this service. Even if you yourself don’t have a specific question, the people you interact with and are called to evangelize every day do have questions. Taking some time to hear some of these real-life questions from all kinds of people and to reflect on the answers we offer will equip you to be a better missionary disciple of our Lord.
I look forward to connecting with you again at our Ask-a-Priest Live event on July 29th. Until then, you can keep counting on our prayers. God bless you!
In Him,
Fr John Bartunek, LC
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