Ultimate Gratitude: Weekly Message for 11-21-2023

Dear Friends,

This week’s letter brings with it prayers of gratitude for all our readers. As the United States prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving, we here at RCSpirituality celebrate you! Each week the team works to provide new resources on various platforms to help 30,000 plus people every month come to know and share their Catholic faith better. Our mission is completely funded by our audience, so thank you to the thousands of you for your generosity in helping us reach so many people around the world!

All through November we have remembered our loved ones who passed from this earth into eternity.  Losing my brother earlier this year was ever-present in my prayers as the readings at Mass remind me, we are made for love by Love Himself.  One such reflection that moved me deeply was written by Sister Mechthild of Magdeburg:

At the gate of heaven, the lovers, God and the soul, meet. The noble glance with which God receives her has such power that she can think no longer of past sorrows or pain … what was begun in love and shall also end in love. For there is nothing so wise, nor so holy, nor so beautiful, nor so strong, nor so perfect as love.

With the Feast of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, the Church closes her liturgical year and begins anew with the first Sunday of Advent. We invite you to prepare your hearts for the birth of Love incarnate,  by participating in “O Come Let Us Adore, An Advent Journey”.

Yours in the Heart of Jesus,


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